Case studies

Conserving water at North American Airports

Potable water is a precious resource, increasingly scarce in many regions o...

Social development
Promoting gender equality at Airbus

Achieving gender equality across the many different positions in the aviati...

Social development
Airbus Global University Partner Programme

Encouraging the next generation of aerospace engineers to enter the industr...

Social development
Helping protect the World Biosphere Reserve of Sie...

In 2008, Bombardier announced that they would be providing long-term suppor...

C Series environmental credentials

When we discuss the environmental performance of aircraft and engines, we o...

Managing stormwater at Auckland Airport

What to do with excess stormwater at an airport can be a difficult question...

An ‘Eco Island’ airport

Complaints over noise are commonplace for airports all over the world, but ...

Social development
Australia’s first dementia-friendly airport

For people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, the flying experience can be...

Social development
Gender equality at GE

While the aviation industry overall is relatively well gender balanced, the...

Sustainably built airport in New Delhi

For a piece of infrastructure as vast as an international airport, there ar...

Social development
Cambodian airports keeping Khmer culture alive

VINCI Airports, a global organisation that operates a number of airports ar...

The first solar-powered airport

Solar panels being used at an airport is not an entirely new concept. Airpo...