Case studies

Circular economy
Montana Aerospace: The game changer in aerospace s...

At its factory sites in the US, Europe and Asia, Montana Aerospace produces...

C Series environmental credentials

When we discuss the environmental performance of aircraft and engines, we o...

Insect-repellant coating

There have been many innovative solutions to improving fuel efficiency in a...

Sustainable Taxiing

The environmental impact of the aviation sector is best addressed through r...

A successful partnership

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) operates one of the most advanced air tr...

New materials and structural weight saving

The last few decades have seen a steady rise in the amount of ‘composite’ m...

Producing highly efficient turbofans

Taking into account the contribution of design to achieve best results in e...

Investment in recycling pays off

Aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce has developed a recycling programme now o...

New engines offer ever-lower fuel burn and emissio...

While aircraft efficiency has increased by well over 70% since the first je...

Boeing invests research into advanced-generation b...

As part of industry-wide efforts on aviation biofuel research, Boeing estab...