Case studies

Disaster response
Weather forecasts affected by lack of air travel

The impact of Covid-19 has become a cause for concern for the World Meteoro...

Social development
Airlines and airports join forces to combat wildli...

The aviation industry has taken on a leadership role in the fight against w...

Disaster response
Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best

In the wake of a disaster such as an earthquake or flooding, airports in or...

Social development
A quarantine in the air

For people who have been infected with a contagious disease, travelling som...

Social development
Australia’s first dementia-friendly airport

For people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, the flying experience can be...

Social development
Getting airports ready for disaster

Unfortunately, for many parts of the world, dealing with the effects of nat...

Social development
Cambodian airports keeping Khmer culture alive

VINCI Airports, a global organisation that operates a number of airports ar...

Social development
Taking the stress out of flying

For people with autism, especially children, flying can be a stressful expe...

Social development
Airlink brings aid to Ebola-hit countries

The social benefits of aviation are perhaps best appreciated when it comes ...

Social development
Helping communities after Hurricane Sandy

On October 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused unmatched destruction across se...

Social development
UAE becomes a centre for aviation skills training

Hanan Jawad has wanted to be a pilot since she was 14 and is now a Boeing 7...

Social development
Airports are catalysts to economic growth

Airports are more than just vital parts of the global transport system, lin...