Case studies

Local air quality
Offsetting carbon emissions

The aviation industry has set a climate target to halve carbon emissions by...

Investing in green energy

Public transport at and around Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport has become gree...

Benefits of the Single European Sky

Following the liberalisation of the European air transport market in the 19...

Combatting the illegal wildlife trade

As the nations of the world gathered to agree on the set of 17 Sustainable ...

LanzaTech creating fuel from industrial waste gase...

There are many potential sources of sustainable alternative fuels for use i...

ASPIRE: Working together to cut emissions in Asia-...

Reducing the level of emissions produced by aircraft often requires broad c...

Varying height, speed across the Atlantic saves em...

Aircraft crossing the Atlantic can save between one and two per cent of the...

Houston – we have an improvement

Some of the first people to benefit from the multi-billion dollar NextGen a...

CAAFI’s engagement on biofuels

In the context of the recent volatility in petroleum prices and out of conc...

Sustainable jet fuel

In its pioneering role to create a long-term sustainable future for aviatio...

A successful partnership

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) operates one of the most advanced air tr...

NextGen modernisation

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is the key word for success. NextGe...