Case studies

Transavia: A step in the right direction
Value to the economy
The impact of COVID-19 on Africa’s safaris

In Africa, tourism is a $39 billion industry, while safari travels account ...

Social development
Bringing tourists to remote island states

Air connectivity is a critical element to economic growth and development f...

Aviation is a catalyst for Rwanda’s development

Rwanda has recognised air transport as the key enabler of its development a...

Social development
Helping protect the World Biosphere Reserve of Sie...

In 2008, Bombardier announced that they would be providing long-term suppor...

Social development
Cambodian airports keeping Khmer culture alive

VINCI Airports, a global organisation that operates a number of airports ar...

Supporting tourism in the Maldives

For many small island states, particularly those far from the mainland, tou...

The World Cup

International sports tournaments have the ability to bring the world togeth...

Social development
The forgotten treasures of aviation?

What’s the best way to spend your time in Scotland? According to a recent p...

Social development
In place of strife: aviation underpins Sri Lanka’s...

For many island nations aviation is more than just a logistical lifeline: i...

Houston – we have an improvement

Some of the first people to benefit from the multi-billion dollar NextGen a...

Social development
Aircraft programmes boost Asian high-tech

Today’s commercial aircraft are a vital catalyst to high-tech skills develo...