Case studies

A successful partnership

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) operates one of the most advanced air tr...

Producing biofuel from microalgae at Iberia

Today, the use of biofuels is largely considered by the aviation sector as ...

NextGen modernisation

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is the key word for success. NextGe...

New materials and structural weight saving

The last few decades have seen a steady rise in the amount of ‘composite’ m...

Producing highly efficient turbofans

Taking into account the contribution of design to achieve best results in e...

Towards green air traffic management with TOPFLIGH...

SESAR, a research and innovation programme which aims to modernise the enti...

Investment in recycling pays off

Aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce has developed a recycling programme now o...

Social development
Organ transplant flights provide a lifeline in Bra...

Over 7,000 items – organs, tissues, empty special containers or medical tea...

Airports save over 170,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions

During the fourth year of the Airport Carbon Accreditation scheme, 84 airpo...

Social development
Why aviation is good news for Pacific sharks

Many Pacific islands face an uncertain future as falling fish stocks have s...

Social development
Airport provides vital community links

The community on Svalbard, halfway between Norway and the North Pole, depen...

Precise navigation, precise environment benefits

It may have a somewhat clumsy name: required navigation performance (RNP), ...