Case studies

Fast fashion

In the world of fashion, trends can move quickly. More quickly than some pe...

Sustainable recycling of aircraft components

Many of the materials used in aircraft components, particularly the fuselag...

ASPIRE: Working together to cut emissions in Asia-...

Reducing the level of emissions produced by aircraft often requires broad c...

Swedavia sets example for airport climate action

While most efforts to mitigate the climate impact of aviation are concentra...

Social development
Deaths during surgery can be reduced by applying a...

The safety credentials of the aviation industry are widely known, with an e...

Delta goes paperless

As part of its ongoing efforts to minimise its environmental impact and ada...

The power of green at Pratt & Whitney

Through its Green Power Grant and recycling programmes, Pratt & Whitney...

NextGen modernisation

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is the key word for success. NextGe...

A key link in the pharma supply chain

For the global pharmaceutical industry, transporting vaccines and medicines...

Social development
UAE becomes a centre for aviation skills training

Hanan Jawad has wanted to be a pilot since she was 14 and is now a Boeing 7...

Precise navigation, precise environment benefits

It may have a somewhat clumsy name: required navigation performance (RNP), ...

ASPIRE programme gathers pace and members

The Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions (ASPIRE) links 19...