Case studies

Local air quality
Offsetting carbon emissions

The aviation industry has set a climate target to halve carbon emissions by...

Social development
Bringing tourists to remote island states

Air connectivity is a critical element to economic growth and development f...

Social development
Promoting gender equality at Airbus

Achieving gender equality across the many different positions in the aviati...

Social development
Airbus Global University Partner Programme

Encouraging the next generation of aerospace engineers to enter the industr...

Social development
Helping protect the World Biosphere Reserve of Sie...

In 2008, Bombardier announced that they would be providing long-term suppor...

Social development
Safety Standdown

Safety is always the number one priority for everyone involved in the aviat...

Social development
Gender equality at GE

While the aviation industry overall is relatively well gender balanced, the...

Social development
Air ambulances in Norway

Living in a remote area can be challenging in any number of ways, be it sho...

Social development
Investing in ATC skills in South Africa

Air traffic controllers play an instrumental role in the running of the avi...

Social development
Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines join together to bri...

The social benefits provided by aviation are perhaps best highlighted by th...

Social development
Deaths during surgery can be reduced by applying a...

The safety credentials of the aviation industry are widely known, with an e...

Social development
Aviation’s vital role in hunting hurricanes and tr...

When Hurricane Gonzalo crashed into Bermuda on 17 October, 2014 it brought ...