Case studies

Investing in green energy

Public transport at and around Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport has become gree...

Social development
Promoting gender equality at Airbus

Achieving gender equality across the many different positions in the aviati...

Social development
Airbus Global University Partner Programme

Encouraging the next generation of aerospace engineers to enter the industr...

Social development
Gender equality at GE

While the aviation industry overall is relatively well gender balanced, the...

Benefits of the Single European Sky

Following the liberalisation of the European air transport market in the 19...

Social development
Investing in ATC skills in South Africa

Air traffic controllers play an instrumental role in the running of the avi...

Varying height, speed across the Atlantic saves em...

Aircraft crossing the Atlantic can save between one and two per cent of the...

Towards green air traffic management with TOPFLIGH...

SESAR, a research and innovation programme which aims to modernise the enti...

Social development
Air Services Australia celebrates Woman of Aviatio...

In March 2014, as part of the international 4th Annual Women of Aviation we...

Social development
Building aerospace skills in Morocco

By the end of 2020, Canada’s Bombardier Aerospace plans to have invested ar...

Social development
GE makes major skills investment in India

Developing ever-more fuel-efficient aircraft is one of the most competitive...