Case studies

Disaster response
Rescuing pets across the Pacific

On 29 October 2020, the largest pet rescue flight transported nearly 600 an...

Social development
Promoting gender equality at Airbus

Achieving gender equality across the many different positions in the aviati...

Social development
Helping protect the World Biosphere Reserve of Sie...

In 2008, Bombardier announced that they would be providing long-term suppor...

C Series environmental credentials

When we discuss the environmental performance of aircraft and engines, we o...

NASA’s continuing work on aviation technology

For the world’s leading civil aerospace manufacturers, researching new, mor...

Follow the greens

At some of the world’s busiest airports, congestion can be a real problem. ...

Insect-repellant coating

There have been many innovative solutions to improving fuel efficiency in a...

Sustainable recycling of aircraft components

Many of the materials used in aircraft components, particularly the fuselag...

Sustainable Taxiing

The environmental impact of the aviation sector is best addressed through r...

Social development
Aviation’s vital role in hunting hurricanes and tr...

When Hurricane Gonzalo crashed into Bermuda on 17 October, 2014 it brought ...

The power of green at Pratt & Whitney

Through its Green Power Grant and recycling programmes, Pratt & Whitney...

New materials and structural weight saving

The last few decades have seen a steady rise in the amount of ‘composite’ m...