Case studies

Disaster response
Weather forecasts affected by lack of air travel

The impact of Covid-19 has become a cause for concern for the World Meteoro...

Women conquer the skies

India has a long history of strong women in the cockpit. It was a red-lette...

Social development
A quarantine in the air

For people who have been infected with a contagious disease, travelling som...

Social development
Getting airports ready for disaster

Unfortunately, for many parts of the world, dealing with the effects of nat...

Benefits of the Single European Sky

Following the liberalisation of the European air transport market in the 19...

Social development
Airlink brings aid to Ebola-hit countries

The social benefits of aviation are perhaps best appreciated when it comes ...

Varying height, speed across the Atlantic saves em...

Aircraft crossing the Atlantic can save between one and two per cent of the...

Towards green air traffic management with TOPFLIGH...

SESAR, a research and innovation programme which aims to modernise the enti...

Social development
Helping communities after Hurricane Sandy

On October 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused unmatched destruction across se...

Social development
UAE becomes a centre for aviation skills training

Hanan Jawad has wanted to be a pilot since she was 14 and is now a Boeing 7...

Social development
Why airlines are making a change for good

Since 1987, cabin crew and airline ground-staff around the world have colle...

Social development
Aid lifelines to Typhoon Haiyan victims

When Typhoon Haiyan hit the central Philippine islands in November 2013, al...