Case studies

Transavia: A step in the right direction
Local air quality
Offsetting carbon emissions

The aviation industry has set a climate target to halve carbon emissions by...

Sustainable fuels
Soaring to new heights with Project Reya Fofa

In 2016, South African Airways (SAA) and its low-cost subsidiary Mango were...

Aviation is a catalyst for Rwanda’s development

Rwanda has recognised air transport as the key enabler of its development a...

Farm to Fly 2.0

The commercialisation of sustainable aviation fuel is a key part of the air...

Airlines working together on sustainable fuel futu...

Followers of aviation’s work on sustainability will know that a lot of work...

Houston – we have an improvement

Some of the first people to benefit from the multi-billion dollar NextGen a...

CAAFI’s engagement on biofuels

In the context of the recent volatility in petroleum prices and out of conc...

Producing biofuel from microalgae at Iberia

Today, the use of biofuels is largely considered by the aviation sector as ...

Powering biofuel research down under

Australia has become one of the world’s most important centres for biofuel ...

Virgin Australia helps pioneer biofuel research

By 2050, up to 40% of all aviation fuel sources at airports in Australia an...