Case studies

New materials and structural weight saving

The last few decades have seen a steady rise in the amount of ‘composite’ m...

Producing highly efficient turbofans

Taking into account the contribution of design to achieve best results in e...

Investment in recycling pays off

Aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce has developed a recycling programme now o...

Powering biofuel research down under

Australia has become one of the world’s most important centres for biofuel ...

Virgin Australia helps pioneer biofuel research

By 2050, up to 40% of all aviation fuel sources at airports in Australia an...

Social development
The Lebanese community globally connected by air t...

Airlines do more than take business people to meetings, tourists to the bea...

New engines offer ever-lower fuel burn and emissio...

While aircraft efficiency has increased by well over 70% since the first je...

Boeing invests research into advanced-generation b...

As part of industry-wide efforts on aviation biofuel research, Boeing estab...