Case studies

Circular economy
Reduce, reuse and recycle

Waste minimisation efforts have grown increasingly important for airlines a...

Value to the economy
The impact of COVID-19 on Africa’s safaris

In Africa, tourism is a $39 billion industry, while safari travels account ...

Local air quality
Offsetting carbon emissions

The aviation industry has set a climate target to halve carbon emissions by...

Circular economy
Minimising food waste

Initiatives by airlines and airports to reduce food waste have gained momen...

Community lifelines
Flying into sight with Orbis

The Orbis Flying Hospital is a one-of-a-kind aircraft equipped with state-o...

Disaster response
Weather forecasts affected by lack of air travel

The impact of Covid-19 has become a cause for concern for the World Meteoro...

Social development
Bringing tourists to remote island states

Air connectivity is a critical element to economic growth and development f...