Case studies

Circular economy
Montana Aerospace: The game changer in aerospace s...

At its factory sites in the US, Europe and Asia, Montana Aerospace produces...

Social development
Business aviation’s niches

Business aviation, widely recognised as an effective business tool for comp...

Aviation is a catalyst for Rwanda’s development

Rwanda has recognised air transport as the key enabler of its development a...

Supporting tourism in the Maldives

For many small island states, particularly those far from the mainland, tou...

Social development
Investing in ATC skills in South Africa

Air traffic controllers play an instrumental role in the running of the avi...

Investing in R&D in Canada

Pratt & Whitney, the US-based technology company specialising in jet en...

Social development
In place of strife: aviation underpins Sri Lanka’s...

For many island nations aviation is more than just a logistical lifeline: i...