Case studies

Sustainable recycling of aircraft components

Many of the materials used in aircraft components, particularly the fuselag...

Birmingham Airport powered by solar energy

In an effort to reduce the amount of carbon emissions associated with their...

San Francisco Airport sustainability drive

In response to the City and County of San Francisco’s greenhouse gas emissi...

Social development
The forgotten treasures of aviation?

What’s the best way to spend your time in Scotland? According to a recent p...

Varying height, speed across the Atlantic saves em...

Aircraft crossing the Atlantic can save between one and two per cent of the...

Social development
In place of strife: aviation underpins Sri Lanka’s...

For many island nations aviation is more than just a logistical lifeline: i...

Airports turn on the power of the sun

In October 2014 Rarotonga Airport in the Cook Islands is due to turn on its...

The power of green at Pratt & Whitney

Through its Green Power Grant and recycling programmes, Pratt & Whitney...

Towards green air traffic management with TOPFLIGH...

SESAR, a research and innovation programme which aims to modernise the enti...

Airports save over 170,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions

During the fourth year of the Airport Carbon Accreditation scheme, 84 airpo...

Social development
Why aviation is good news for Pacific sharks

Many Pacific islands face an uncertain future as falling fish stocks have s...

Social development
Airlines and airports provide the pathway for pilg...

More than two million Muslims from all parts of the world make the Hajj pil...