Case studies

Inmarsat: Iris, the future of the skies

In partnership with the European Space Agency, Inmarsat is launching Iris, ...

Value to the economy
The impact of COVID-19 on Africa’s safaris

In Africa, tourism is a $39 billion industry, while safari travels account ...

Local air quality
Offsetting carbon emissions

The aviation industry has set a climate target to halve carbon emissions by...

Investing in green energy

Public transport at and around Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport has become gree...

An ‘Eco Island’ airport

Complaints over noise are commonplace for airports all over the world, but ...

Sustainably built airport in New Delhi

For a piece of infrastructure as vast as an international airport, there ar...

Supporting tourism in the Maldives

For many small island states, particularly those far from the mainland, tou...

Benefits of the Single European Sky

Following the liberalisation of the European air transport market in the 19...

The World Cup

International sports tournaments have the ability to bring the world togeth...

Investing in R&D in Canada

Pratt & Whitney, the US-based technology company specialising in jet en...

Fast fashion

In the world of fashion, trends can move quickly. More quickly than some pe...

Birmingham Airport powered by solar energy

In an effort to reduce the amount of carbon emissions associated with their...