Case studies

Local air quality
Offsetting carbon emissions

The aviation industry has set a climate target to halve carbon emissions by...

Disaster response
Weather forecasts affected by lack of air travel

The impact of Covid-19 has become a cause for concern for the World Meteoro...

Social development
Airlines and airports join forces to combat wildli...

The aviation industry has taken on a leadership role in the fight against w...

Social development
Bringing tourists to remote island states

Air connectivity is a critical element to economic growth and development f...

Supporting tourism in the Maldives

For many small island states, particularly those far from the mainland, tou...

Social development
In place of strife: aviation underpins Sri Lanka’s...

For many island nations aviation is more than just a logistical lifeline: i...

Social development
UAE becomes a centre for aviation skills training

Hanan Jawad has wanted to be a pilot since she was 14 and is now a Boeing 7...