
UNICEF & Qantas launch new campaign - Save a child with the power of five

Social development

UNICEF Australia and Qantas are bringing new meaning to the term “high five”, launching a campaign encouraging passengers to donate as little as five cents to change the life of an underprivileged child.

The new campaign is an extension of the highly successful Change for Good partnership. Change for Good’s simple premise of offloading unwanted foreign currency after travelling on an international Qantas flight has amassed $28 million for UNICEF’s global child health, child protection and education programs over the past 23 years.

The new Change for Good campaign will focus on domestic travellers, giving them the opportunity to pool spare change languishing at the bottom of handbags or jangling in pockets, and put it to good use.

UNICEF Australia chief executive Norman Gillespie said the champion of the new Change for Good campaign was Australia’s smallest denomination – the 5 cent piece.

“If every Qantas passenger travelling domestically gave us just a few of their forgotten coins each time they travelled it would make little difference to their day, but a world of difference in saving children’s lives,” Dr Gillespie said.

While often forgotten in pockets, handbags and desk drawers, to UNICEF 5 cents is the cost of providing one child with clean drinking water for two days.

“The 5 cent piece may be the star of our new Change for Good campaign, but the real heroes are Qantas’ generous passengers,” Dr Gillespie said.

“We’ve already seen the good work for children that change from an overseas trip can do, and with the support of Qantas, we know we can deliver even more Change for Good,” he said.

Passengers can now deposit their spare change in Change for Good envelopes provided in seat pockets on Qantas domestic flights and place them in UNICEF collection bins at domestic airports around the country including Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Cairns, Brisbane and Canberra.

Qantas Loyalty CEO Lesley Grant said: “We are very excited about the potential of this campaign. Our travellers have a proven track record in donating international coins and we think many will be happy to offload their local coins knowing they are making a real difference.”

“With just a handful of small change, UNICEF can spend 50c and give a child exercise books and pencils to kick start an education or spend $1.50 and protect five children from disease.”